the Biggest Loser Diet

If you are awed by the transformations Biggest Loser contestants undergo every season, you may want to try the Biggest Loser Diet adapted from the hit television show. Read on to learn how to do the Biggest Loser Diet.


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  • The Biggest Loser Diet is based on the diet contestants use on NBC's The Biggest Loser. The Biggest Loser Diet is a lifestyle change. To be successful, you must eat whole, unrefined foods and exercise regularly. Focus on learning good nutrition and exercise habits for a life-long transformation.

Step 1: Join the Biggest Loser Club

  • For the step-by-step diet details, you have one of two options:
  1. Sign up for the Biggest Loser Club, an online diet program.
  2. Buy The Biggest Loser: The Weight Loss Program to Transform Your Body, Health, and Life--Adapted from NBC's Hit Show! book.

Step 2: Follow the 4-3-2-1 Plan

  • The 4-3-2-1 plan replaces the food pyramid as a guide for how many servings of fruits, vegetables, protein and fat you should eat each day.
  1. Four servings of fruits and vegetables.
  2. 2. Three servings of lean protein, like:
    • Chicken breast.
    • Lean turkey.
    • Fish.
      • At least one of your protein servings should be fish.
  3. Two servings of whole grains.
  4. 4. One serving of monounsaturated fat. Including:
    1. Olive oil.
    2. Nuts.
    3. Seeds.
    4. Avocado.

Step 3: Watch Your Portion Sizes

  1. Carefully measure out your food.
  2. 2. Count calories.
    1. Calculate your total daily caloric intake using seven calories per pound of body weight.
    2. Your caloric intake should include:
      1. 45 percent of calories from carbohydrates.
      2. 30 percent of calories from protein.
      3. 25 percent of calories from healthy fats.

Step 4: Exercise

  1. Exercise at least one hour per day.
  2. 2. Try aerobic exercises, including:
    1. Running.
    2. Walking.
    3. Biking.
  3. 3. Don't forget to strength train.
    • Tone your body and burn calories.
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