the Biggest Loser Diet
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- The Biggest Loser Diet is based on the diet contestants use on NBC's The Biggest Loser. The Biggest Loser Diet is a lifestyle change. To be successful, you must eat whole, unrefined foods and exercise regularly. Focus on learning good nutrition and exercise habits for a life-long transformation.
Step 1: Join the Biggest Loser Club
- For the step-by-step diet details, you have one of two options:
- Sign up for the Biggest Loser Club, an online diet program.
- Buy The Biggest Loser: The Weight Loss Program to Transform Your Body, Health, and Life--Adapted from NBC's Hit Show! book.
Step 2: Follow the 4-3-2-1 Plan
- The 4-3-2-1 plan replaces the food pyramid as a guide for how many servings of fruits, vegetables, protein and fat you should eat each day.
- Four servings of fruits and vegetables.
- 2. Three servings of lean protein, like:
- Chicken breast.
- Lean turkey.
- Fish.
- At least one of your protein servings should be fish.
- Two servings of whole grains.
- 4. One serving of monounsaturated fat. Including:
- Olive oil.
- Nuts.
- Seeds.
- Avocado.
Step 3: Watch Your Portion Sizes
- Carefully measure out your food.
- 2. Count calories.
- Calculate your total daily caloric intake using seven calories per pound of body weight.
- Your caloric intake should include:
- 45 percent of calories from carbohydrates.
- 30 percent of calories from protein.
- 25 percent of calories from healthy fats.
Step 4: Exercise
- Exercise at least one hour per day.
- 2. Try aerobic exercises, including:
- Running.
- Walking.
- Biking.
- 3. Don't forget to strength train.
- Tone your body and burn calories.