How to Do the Cookie Diet

Dr. Sanford Siegal's Cookie Diet, introduced in 1975, claims to have helped more than 500,000 people lose weight. Actress/singers Kelly Clarkson, Jennifer Hudson and Mandy Moore have reportedly all had success on the program, which consists of eating specially-formulated cookies along with other healthy meals. If you're interested in learning more about this unique weight-loss plan. 
The cookie recipe claims to suppress hunger. The cookies are made of ingredients that have a low glycemic index - whole wheat flour, bran and oats, and the have 90 calories per cookie. Siegal say that a specific blend of amino acids and proteins are also important. The cookies are eaten whenever the dieter is hungry. Six cookies must be consumed each day. Dinner then consists of six ounces of lean meats, including either chicken, turkey, fish or other seafood. The lean meats are supplemented by one cup of vegetables. Eight glasses of liquids also need to be consumed each day. Acceptable beverages for the liquids requirement include coffee, tea and water.

Step 1: Buy the Products

  • Cookie Diet products can be purchased through the official website, via telephone or at one of the official retail outlets in:

  1. Arizona: Paradise Valley and Chandler
  2. California: Beverly Hills
  3. Florida: Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton and Kendall
  4. New Jersey: Cherry Hill
  5. 5. Virginia: McLean

A one-week supply of cookies or shakes costs $59. Both products are made of milk,eggs, soy, and non-vegetable protein; the cookies also include wheat. The shakes are gluten-free.

Step 2: Follow the Plan

  • According to the specified plan, followers of the Cookie Diet drink either four shakes or eat six cookies per day whenever they choose. In addition to the cookies or shakes, cookie dieters are advised to drink eight glasses of liquid each day and eat a healthy dinner, consisting of:

  1. 6 ounces of lean meat: Chicken, turkey, fish or seafood
  2. One cup of vegetables

Criticism of the Cookie Diet

  • By following the above plan, cookie dieters will consume between 800 and 1,200 calories and approximately 70 grams of carbohydrates per day, which critics have stated is not enough for most people to ingest and remain healthy. The cookies themselves have been criticized for being low in fiber and high in fat, which can increase the risk of developing heart disease. In addition, eating a diet that is low in calories may also lead to various nutritional deficiencies. 1

Other criticisms of this diet plan are:

  1. The lack of guidelines on exercise, an important part of both being healthy and losing weight, and 2
  2. It does not teach healthy eating habits. 1


  • As with any other fad or commercial diet, the Cookie Diet has inspired both positive and negative responses. Be sure to thoroughly research any diet and discuss the pros and cons with your doctor before starting a new meal plan.

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