Make a Healthy Body Cleanse Juice

  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 4 carrots
  • 1/2 beet, cut in half
  • Juicer
  • Pitcher

Recipe Details

Servings: 1
Prep time: 2 minutes
Total time: 5 minutes

Make Your Healthy Body Cleanse Juice

1. Place the pitcher underneath the spout. 

2. Start off the juice by adding the cucumber into the juicer whole. Use the lid of the juicer to push it down. Cucumbers have a high water content so they'll produce lots of juice.

3. Then add the carrots into the juicer. 

4. Finally, add the beet pieces into the juicer. 

5. Once all the juices have drained into the pitcher, stir them up well. 

6. Enjoy your body cleanse juice within 20 minutes in order to get the benefits of the live enzymes and nutrients from the vegetables. You can also shake it over ice in a martini shaker to make it cold. 

If you don't want to drink it right away, save it in an airtight container, refrigerate it and enjoy it within 24 hours. 


The ingredients of this juice contain nutrients that will help rejuvenate, repair and detoxify your body. 

Cucumbers are low in fat and have a high water content,1 so they hydrate your body and help regulate its temperature.2 They also contain high levels of potassium and magnesium, which can help lower blood pressure.2 

Carrots are rich in vitamin A, K and C, potassium, manganese and magnesium.1 They have been shown to help reduce cancer and are good for your eyes and skin.3

Beets can help cleanse your liver because they naturally detoxify your system.4 They also contain high levels of potassium and vitamins A and C.1
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